M.S. in Applied Energy and Electromechanical Engineering
M.S. in Applied Energy & Electromechanical Engineering
The M.S. in Applied Energy and Electromechanical Engineering (AEEE) degree provides an opportunity for discipline-specific and multidisciplinary graduate level education. Advanced coursework and research are used to enhance professional development, improve technical competency, and initiate a lifelong learning experience.
Full-time students typically take three semesters to complete the program. The AEEE degree is a 30-hour Engineering program. (The program is in an approved STEM field that qualifies international graduates for OPT extension).
Accepting Applications:
for Jan 2024 start: through Dec 1, 2023
for Aug 2024 start: rolling admissions until full (latest July 31)
Note: Currently waiving GRE for 2023/24 applicants
The program consists of a 6 credit-hour core, a 3 credit-hour Mathematics Requirement, and 21 credit-hours of additional work based on three options:
- Option A: Thesis
- 15 credit-hours of electives, 6 credit-hours of research, successful completion of a thesis and oral defense
- Option B: Project (non-thesis)
- 18 credit-hours of electives, 3 credit-hours of individualized project work concluding in a paper and presentation
- Option C: Comprehensive Exam
- 21 credit-hours of electives, and passing of a comprehensive exam

Excerpt from the Graduate Catalog:
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TAs and RAs are available on a competitive basis; students are not considered for compensation packages until after they are formally accepted to the program.
Program Director
Aidan F Browne, Ph.D
Email: aidanbrowne@charlotte.edu
Phone: 704-687-5033
Office: Smith 339